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天津音乐学院(Tianjin Conservatory Of Music)是中国北方地区重要的培养音乐、舞蹈、戏剧、影视专门人才的高等艺术教育学府,学校为天津市高校研究生教育校外创新实践基地建设单位、国务院批准的首批硕士学位授予单位。



Tianjin Conservatory of Music Art public general undergraduate

Tianjin Conservatory Of Music (Tianjin Conservatory Of Music) is an important higher art education institution in northern China that cultivates specialized talents in Music, dance, drama and film and television. Tianjin Conservatory Of Music is the construction unit Of the off-campus innovative practice base for graduate education in Tianjin and one Of the first batch Of master degree awarding units approved by the State Council.

Founded in 1958, the school was formerly known as the Central Conservatory of Music, which was founded in Tianjin in 1950. In July 1959, the Central Conservatory of Music (part of Tianjin) was renamed as Tianjin Conservatory of Music. In 1973, it was renamed Tianjin Art Institute. In 1980, approved by the State Council, Tianjin Conservatory of Music was officially restored, and the fine arts section was divided into Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts. [1]

As of June 2015, the college is divided into two campuses, north and south, covering an area of 139.58 mu, with a building area of 84,461.6 square meters. There are 53,443.65 square meters of administrative rooms for teaching, 70 classrooms of all kinds, 26 multimedia classrooms, 2 voice classrooms, 8 dance practice rooms, 32 concert halls and other practice training halls, and 747 piano rooms. Teaching and research equipment worth 55.9707 million yuan; There are 13 teaching departments, offering 59 majors and specialties. There are 415 faculty members, 3131 full-time undergraduates, 380 postgraduates, 20 international students and 55 undergraduate students of adult education. [2] As of December 2018, Tianjin Conservatory of Music is a social art level testing institution.

关于作者: 鸟叔


